In most cases, you must pay a fee to start a case. If you don't pay the fees the court will dismiss your case. This page explains:
There are usually fees to start a case and file with the court. Some people qualify for a waiver of these fees. Answer the questions below to find out if you qualify.
You might qualify for a fee waiver. Fill out these forms (available in the forms section):
Motion to Waive Fees
Order on Motion to Waive Fees
Answer the next question.
You might qualify for a fee waiver. Fill out these forms (available in the forms section):
Motion to Waive Fees
Order on Motion to Waive Fees
Answer the next question.
Is your monthly household income less than or equal to the amounts below?
For each additional family member over six, add $672.50
You might qualify for a fee waiver. Fill out these forms (available in the forms section):
Motion to Waive Fees
Order on Motion to Waive Fees
Answer the next question - Can you afford to pay the court fees and provide for yourself and your family with food, shelter, clothing, or other necessities?
Is your gross monthly income less than or equal to $3,227.50?
You might qualify for a fee waiver. Fill out these forms (available in the forms section):
Motion to Waive Fees
Order on Motion to Waive Fees
Answer the next question - Can you afford to pay the court fees and provide for yourself and your family with food, shelter, clothing, or other necessities?
Is your monthly household income less than or equal to the amounts below?
For each additional family member over six, add $672.50
You might qualify for a fee waiver. Fill out these forms (available in the forms section):
Motion to Waive Fees
Order on Motion to Waive Fees
Answer the next question - Can you afford to pay the court fees and provide for yourself and your family with food, shelter, clothing, or other necessities?
If you can't afford to pay the court fees and provide yourself and your family with necessities, you might qualify for a fee waiver. Fill out these forms (available in the forms section):
Motion to Waive Fees
Order on Motion to Waive Fees
If you can afford to pay the court fees and provide yourself and your family with necessities then you might not qualify for a fee waiver. |
You can ask the court to waive the following fees:
There are some fees that the court can't waive:
The judge can decide:
If the judge found that you can pay your court fees, and you:
Then you can file a Memorandum Demonstrating Inability to Pay Fees within 10 days of this order. Scroll down to see the form.