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Small estate affidavit Easy Form
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Help ILAO open opportunities for justice
This program will help you prepare your documents. It will ask you questions and you will enter your answers. At the end of the program, you will get a completed set of documents with instructions that you can save and print.
Form completion time: 20 minutes to 40 minutes
You will be able to save your work in the middle of the program.
The button below takes you to another website to complete the guided interview. Learn more about Easy Forms.
The interview and forms are in English.
Can I use this program?
To use this program, all of the following must be true:
- The total amount of personal property in the estate of the decedent (the person who died) is no more than $100,000,
- The decedent did not own any real estate, or they owned real estate that went to someone else when they died. Ownership could go to someone else through a Transfer on Death Instrument or if the real estate was owned in a joint tenancy with the right of survivorship,
- A probate court has not issued any "letters of office" for this estate giving the executor authority to distribute the estate. No application for letters of office is pending,
- If there is a will, it must be filed with the clerk of the probate court,
- If there is a will on file with the court, then to the best of your knowledge, it must be a valid will and the decedent's last will,
- You are not aware of any disputes or conflicts relating to the will or to the heirs of the decedent, and
- There are no outstanding unpaid claims or contested claims against the decedent (other than funeral expenses).
To complete this program, you will need:
- The decedent’s address immediately before death,
- Information about the decedent's surviving family members,
- Information about the decedent's assets such as bank accounts, stock, cash, and
- Information about the decedent's debts.
What documents will this create?
Small Estate Affidavit
Easy Form program opens in a new tab or window.