Unless otherwise specified, this Chapter covers procurement by entities listed in this Annex, subject to the following thresholds:
When entities listed in this Annex conduct procurement for activities listed in Section B of Annex 19-3, the thresholds set out in that section apply.
1. Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency 2. Canada Border Services Agency 3. Canada Emission Reduction Incentives Agency 4. Canada Employment Insurance Commission 5. Canada Industrial Relations Board 6. Canada Revenue Agency 7. Canada School of Public Service 8. Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety 9. Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency 10. Canadian Food Inspection Agency 11. Canadian Forces Grievance Board 12. Canadian Grain Commission 13. Canadian Human Rights Commission 14. Canadian Human Rights Tribunal 15. Canadian Institutes of Health Research 16. Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat 17. Canadian International Trade Tribunal 18. Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency 19. Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission 20. Canadian Polar Commission 21. Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission 22. Canadian Space Agency 23. Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board 24. Canadian Transportation Agency 25. Copyright Board 26. Correctional Service of Canada 27. Courts Administration Service 28. Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food 29. Department of Canadian Heritage 30. Department of Citizenship and Immigration 31. Department of Employment and Social Development 32. Department of Finance 33. Department of Fisheries and Oceans 34. Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development 35. Department of Health 36. Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development 37. Department of Industry 38. Department of Justice 39. Department of National Defence 40. Department of Natural Resources 41. Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness 42. Department of Public Works and Government Services 43. Department of the Environment 44. Department of Transport 45. Department of Veterans Affairs 46. Department of Western Economic Diversification 47. Director of Soldier Settlement 48. Director, The Veterans' Land Act 49. Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec 50. Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario 51. Financial Consumer Agency of Canada 52. Immigration and Refugee Board 53. Indian Residential Schools Truth and Reconciliation Commission 54. Library and Archives of Canada 55. Military Police Complaints Commission 56. National Battlefields Commission 57. National Energy Board 58. National Farm Products Council 59. National Film Board 60. Parole Board of Canada 61. National Research Council of Canada 62. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council 63. Northern Pipeline Agency 64. Office of Infrastructure of Canada 65. Office of the Auditor General 66. Office of the Chief Electoral Officer 67. Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs 68. Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying 69. Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages 70. Office of the Communications Security Establishment Commissioner 71. Office of the Co-ordinator, Status of Women 72. Office of the Correctional Investigator of Canada 73. Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions 74. Office of the Governor General's Secretary 75. Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner 76. Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions 77. Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada 78. Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada 79. Parks Canada Agency 80. Patented Medicine Prices Review Board 81. Privy Council Office 82. Public Health Agency of Canada 83. Public Service Commission 84. Public Service Labour Relations and Employment Board 85. Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada 86. Registry of the Competition Tribunal 87. Registry of the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Tribunal 88. Registry of the Specific Claims Tribunal 89. Royal Canadian Mounted Police 90. Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee 91. Royal Canadian Mounted Police Public Complaints Commission 92. Security Intelligence Review Committee 93. Shared Services Canada 94. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council 95. Statistics Canada 96. Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada 97. Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat 98. Veterans Review and Appeal Board Notes to Canada's Annex 19-1 1. For the Canadian Space Agency, the procurement of covered goods and services is limited to those related to satellite communications, earth observation and global navigation satellite systems. This commitment is in effect for a five-year period following the entry into force of this Agreement. The calculation of the five-year period includes the period of provisional application, if any. Before the end of the five-year period, Canada may notify the European Union that it is removing the temporary commitment. The notification takes effect at the end of the five-year period. If Canada does not provide such notification, the temporary commitment will become permanent. 2. Article 19.18 of this Chapter does not apply to the possible removal of the temporary commitment in this Note.
Unless otherwise specified, this Chapter covers procurement by entities listed in this Annex, subject to the following thresholds.
When entities listed in this Annex conduct procurement for activities listed in Section B of Annex 19-3, the thresholds set out in that section apply.
"Governmental agencies" means the bodies set out in subparagraphs (2) through (4) of the first paragraph of section 4 of the Act Respecting Contracting by Public Bodies, C.Q.L.R. c. C-65.1, including the Agence du revenu du Québec, and the persons set out in the second paragraph of that section, with the exception of the bodies and persons mentioned in section 5 of the Act.
"Para-public organisations" means the municipalities, the municipal organisations, and the bodies set out in subparagraphs (5) and (6) of the first paragraph of section 4 of the Act Respecting Contracting by Public Bodies, including the legal persons or other entities owned or controlled by one or several para-public organisations.
Unless otherwise specified, this Chapter covers procurement by entities listed in Section A of this Annex, subject to the following thresholds: